Our Mission

Our mission at Alchemist Athletics is to show people that they are capable of so much more than they could've ever possibly imagined. Everyone deserves to find something that makes them feel empowered. We're hoping the V-15 Rope can be the tool to help you unlock your inner potential.

Meet Muna

One day I woke up and decided enough was enough.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, I was at an all time low mentally and physically. I just graduated from university and was feeling lost in life with no purpose. I had a lot to work on but I figure focusing on my fitness was a good start. With all the gyms being closed down, I had to figure out another way to get in shape. I remembered that I randomly bought a jump rope a couple years back so I dug it up and decided to give it a shot. Ever since the day I picked it up, June of 2020, I never looked back. I lost around 35lbs, found my purpose, and started my own online jump rope coaching business all within the matter of a year.

I never thought I would be here but I’m so grateful that I am. And that's why I'm so passionate about jump rope, because I understand how powerful of a catalyst it can be. I'm hoping each and every one of you can feel the powerful impact of jump rope just like I have.